Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapters 9 and 10

The Great River- Stone Pillars of Anduin
     In chapters 9 and 10, The Company floats down the great river for a long time until they reach rapids and are forced to get out because of the enemy on the east shore shooting at them. This would be very hard to paddle up stream while tons of orcs were shooting arrows at you in the dark. They are then forced to get out of the river and carry the boats to a calmer place and keep going from there. I thought the boats were going to be too heavy to carry but they were extremely light. They stop for the night on the shores of the river and then Frodo has to decide which way they will go - east or west. Frodo tells everyone to let him think 1 hour then he slips on the ring and while they are all looking for him he tries to slip off but Sam finds him and comes with him on the last stage of his quest. I think this book was a cliff hanger because it didn't finish his journey. But it did have a few characteristics of a hero's journey because he had allies, challenges, and a low point. The theme of this is good v.s. evil and the genre is fiction.

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 6 ,7, and 8

The palace at Lóthlorien
     In chapter 6 and 7, the Company travels to the elven country of Lóthlorien and rests there for a long time. I don't think that this was a wise decision because it gives the enemy time to pick up their scent and attack. They meet the Lord and Lady of Lóthlorien. The lady shows them the mirror of Galadriel, in which they can see past present future or totally made up visions. Frodo saw Bilbo and then a burning eye, which the Lady told him was the dark Lord. When they part the Lady gives everyone gifts along with boats ,so that they may travel along the river and not by foot. I think that I would love to live here because it is so pretty and they build their houses in trees.   

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 4 and 5

Gandalf leading the way through dark passage ways 
     In chapters 4 and 5, they get snowed out of the mountain pass and so the 2 men make a path for the rest of the company back out of the pass and then the only way to go through is through the Mines of Moria. There they fight off orcs and a Balrog. Gandalf takes his last stand there trying to protect the company from the Balrog and does not make it all the way across the bridge before if fell. I was sad at this part because I thought Gandalf was a great and strong character.

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 3

The Company heading south
     In chapter 3, Frodo's company is chosen. It consists of 2 men ( Aragorn and Boromir) 4 hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin), 1 wizard (Gandalf), 1 dwarf (Gimli), 1 pony (Bill), and 1 elf (Legolas). I think that it is good to have a variety of people and a horse to accompany Frodo so that there can be harmony between their kin. They head south and go to Hollin where they plan to go through the nearest mountain pass. They start up the pass but it soon starts to snow hard and they have to take shelter for the night.

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 2

Frodo at the council of Elrond
     In chapter 2, a council is held to decide what to do about the Ring. It's discussed at length but in the end it was decided that Frodo needed to destroy the ring and that he should take with him companions to help him along the way. The next days messengers were sent out to find Frodo's companions for his journey. I think that this was the right thing to decide because they could have sent it to Tom Bombadil, but that would have sent all the evil things out to get the ring. Also I agree that Frodo should have companions with him because if he dies who will carry the ring to Mordor?

Book Two Fellowship of the Rings Chapter 1

Frodo in the house of Elrond in Rivendell
     In chapter 1, Frodo wakes up and is is Rivendell. His shoulder is better, which is good and Gandalf is next to his bed waiting for Frodo to wake up. When he is awake Gandalf tells of how he was tricked by Sauron and how Sauron has turned evil. This is unexpected because I thought that Sauron was already evil not good then turned evil. Then a feast is held for the coming of Frodo and his friends. I think that Frodo will gather more allies here. But Frodo has also faced challenges such as the ring-wraiths. Everyone is happy but I think Frodo wants some alone time to think and is lonely for Bilbo. Then he sees Bilbo again and they talk at length. I think this is a good ending to a happy chapter in the book.

Book 2

Part Two- Chapter numbers start over.