Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 3

The Company heading south
     In chapter 3, Frodo's company is chosen. It consists of 2 men ( Aragorn and Boromir) 4 hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin), 1 wizard (Gandalf), 1 dwarf (Gimli), 1 pony (Bill), and 1 elf (Legolas). I think that it is good to have a variety of people and a horse to accompany Frodo so that there can be harmony between their kin. They head south and go to Hollin where they plan to go through the nearest mountain pass. They start up the pass but it soon starts to snow hard and they have to take shelter for the night.

1 comment:

  1. But before harmony comes mistrust...harmony comes from 1) enduring hardship together and 2) having a common foe. I think they'd be pretty cranky with each other at first, but the ring is safe. Go Frodo, go!!!
