Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 11

Frodo going through the woods to Weather Top
    In chapter 11, Frodo's home is attacked by Black Riders but no one was there. I think that the Black Riders are going to catch up with them soon and that won't end good. Strider takes them off of the road and cuts though the woods but this time they don't get lost like last time. They are heading to this big hill called Weather Top where they can see fro miles at the top of. I think they are becoming very weary for walking for miles each day. When they finally reach Weather Top there are all 9 Black Riders coming towards them. I don't think even Strider/ Aragorn could defeat all of them, which is not good. The ring-wraiths attack and seriously injure Frodo's shoulder. He blacks out because of the pain. But they do find an Elven G-rune and 3 slashes showing that Gandalf was here on October 3rd which was 6 days ago. This is a good sign because Gandalf should not be far ahead of them on the road. 


  1. Hi Autumn! Well done on your blog - I love all the photos in addition to your book report, it's really well written as well. So fun!

  2. Again, Frodo kicks some serious toucas. Survives getting stabbed with a wraith-sword! Do you suppose it was an ambush?
