Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book Two Fellowship of the Rings Chapter 1

Frodo in the house of Elrond in Rivendell
     In chapter 1, Frodo wakes up and is is Rivendell. His shoulder is better, which is good and Gandalf is next to his bed waiting for Frodo to wake up. When he is awake Gandalf tells of how he was tricked by Sauron and how Sauron has turned evil. This is unexpected because I thought that Sauron was already evil not good then turned evil. Then a feast is held for the coming of Frodo and his friends. I think that Frodo will gather more allies here. But Frodo has also faced challenges such as the ring-wraiths. Everyone is happy but I think Frodo wants some alone time to think and is lonely for Bilbo. Then he sees Bilbo again and they talk at length. I think this is a good ending to a happy chapter in the book.

1 comment:

  1. Spa day for the Bagginses. I hope they tip whoever does their pedicure well - nobody should have to deal with those nasty hobbit feet!!!
