Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapters 9 and 10

The Great River- Stone Pillars of Anduin
     In chapters 9 and 10, The Company floats down the great river for a long time until they reach rapids and are forced to get out because of the enemy on the east shore shooting at them. This would be very hard to paddle up stream while tons of orcs were shooting arrows at you in the dark. They are then forced to get out of the river and carry the boats to a calmer place and keep going from there. I thought the boats were going to be too heavy to carry but they were extremely light. They stop for the night on the shores of the river and then Frodo has to decide which way they will go - east or west. Frodo tells everyone to let him think 1 hour then he slips on the ring and while they are all looking for him he tries to slip off but Sam finds him and comes with him on the last stage of his quest. I think this book was a cliff hanger because it didn't finish his journey. But it did have a few characteristics of a hero's journey because he had allies, challenges, and a low point. The theme of this is good v.s. evil and the genre is fiction.


  1. I actually wonder if Sam might be the real hero. I don't think Frodo would have survived this quest without Sam's loyalty and friendship. Love definitely overcomes evil and hatred.

  2. Whew! They got out of there just in the nick of time - those orcs were right on their heels. I sure hope Boromir makes it okay.

  3. Autumn, This turned out amazing! Your entries and pictures are carefully worded and chosen, and I really enjoyed reading your insight into the plot of the novel. Great work!

    Mrs. Tuttle
