Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapters 9 and 10

The Great River- Stone Pillars of Anduin
     In chapters 9 and 10, The Company floats down the great river for a long time until they reach rapids and are forced to get out because of the enemy on the east shore shooting at them. This would be very hard to paddle up stream while tons of orcs were shooting arrows at you in the dark. They are then forced to get out of the river and carry the boats to a calmer place and keep going from there. I thought the boats were going to be too heavy to carry but they were extremely light. They stop for the night on the shores of the river and then Frodo has to decide which way they will go - east or west. Frodo tells everyone to let him think 1 hour then he slips on the ring and while they are all looking for him he tries to slip off but Sam finds him and comes with him on the last stage of his quest. I think this book was a cliff hanger because it didn't finish his journey. But it did have a few characteristics of a hero's journey because he had allies, challenges, and a low point. The theme of this is good v.s. evil and the genre is fiction.

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 6 ,7, and 8

The palace at Lóthlorien
     In chapter 6 and 7, the Company travels to the elven country of Lóthlorien and rests there for a long time. I don't think that this was a wise decision because it gives the enemy time to pick up their scent and attack. They meet the Lord and Lady of Lóthlorien. The lady shows them the mirror of Galadriel, in which they can see past present future or totally made up visions. Frodo saw Bilbo and then a burning eye, which the Lady told him was the dark Lord. When they part the Lady gives everyone gifts along with boats ,so that they may travel along the river and not by foot. I think that I would love to live here because it is so pretty and they build their houses in trees.   

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 4 and 5

Gandalf leading the way through dark passage ways 
     In chapters 4 and 5, they get snowed out of the mountain pass and so the 2 men make a path for the rest of the company back out of the pass and then the only way to go through is through the Mines of Moria. There they fight off orcs and a Balrog. Gandalf takes his last stand there trying to protect the company from the Balrog and does not make it all the way across the bridge before if fell. I was sad at this part because I thought Gandalf was a great and strong character.

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 3

The Company heading south
     In chapter 3, Frodo's company is chosen. It consists of 2 men ( Aragorn and Boromir) 4 hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin), 1 wizard (Gandalf), 1 dwarf (Gimli), 1 pony (Bill), and 1 elf (Legolas). I think that it is good to have a variety of people and a horse to accompany Frodo so that there can be harmony between their kin. They head south and go to Hollin where they plan to go through the nearest mountain pass. They start up the pass but it soon starts to snow hard and they have to take shelter for the night.

Book 2 Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 2

Frodo at the council of Elrond
     In chapter 2, a council is held to decide what to do about the Ring. It's discussed at length but in the end it was decided that Frodo needed to destroy the ring and that he should take with him companions to help him along the way. The next days messengers were sent out to find Frodo's companions for his journey. I think that this was the right thing to decide because they could have sent it to Tom Bombadil, but that would have sent all the evil things out to get the ring. Also I agree that Frodo should have companions with him because if he dies who will carry the ring to Mordor?

Book Two Fellowship of the Rings Chapter 1

Frodo in the house of Elrond in Rivendell
     In chapter 1, Frodo wakes up and is is Rivendell. His shoulder is better, which is good and Gandalf is next to his bed waiting for Frodo to wake up. When he is awake Gandalf tells of how he was tricked by Sauron and how Sauron has turned evil. This is unexpected because I thought that Sauron was already evil not good then turned evil. Then a feast is held for the coming of Frodo and his friends. I think that Frodo will gather more allies here. But Frodo has also faced challenges such as the ring-wraiths. Everyone is happy but I think Frodo wants some alone time to think and is lonely for Bilbo. Then he sees Bilbo again and they talk at length. I think this is a good ending to a happy chapter in the book.

Book 2

Part Two- Chapter numbers start over.

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 12

The flood at the Ford that saves Frodo from the ring-wriaths
   In chapter 12, Aragorn finds special leaves to heal Frodo's shoulder a little bit. They are going through more woods after Wether Top and an elf from Rivendell comes along their path. His name is Glorfindel and was sent out to look for the "Ring Bearer" also know as Frodo. He helps to heal Frodo's shoulder as best as he can but then they move on to an open 1 mile stretch before the Ford to cross into Rivendell. Frodo is put upon glorfindel's fast horse and has to be first to run out into the open space. I think now is when the ring wraiths will try to attack and this part will be very suspenseful. My predictions were correct because now Frodo has to go up against 9 Black Riders with no help because the rest of his allies are running and are not on horses. 

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 11

Frodo going through the woods to Weather Top
    In chapter 11, Frodo's home is attacked by Black Riders but no one was there. I think that the Black Riders are going to catch up with them soon and that won't end good. Strider takes them off of the road and cuts though the woods but this time they don't get lost like last time. They are heading to this big hill called Weather Top where they can see fro miles at the top of. I think they are becoming very weary for walking for miles each day. When they finally reach Weather Top there are all 9 Black Riders coming towards them. I don't think even Strider/ Aragorn could defeat all of them, which is not good. The ring-wraiths attack and seriously injure Frodo's shoulder. He blacks out because of the pain. But they do find an Elven G-rune and 3 slashes showing that Gandalf was here on October 3rd which was 6 days ago. This is a good sign because Gandalf should not be far ahead of them on the road. 

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 10

Strider the Ranger at the inn, The Prancing Pony
    In chapter 10, Strider gives information only in exchange for being able to come along on their journey with them. I think that this is a good exchange because a Ranger should know the land for miles very well. When Frodo agrees to his terms, he is about to give information when the inn keeper comes in with a letter from Gandalf that he was supposed to deliver 3 months ago. I think that this might have vital information in it that could have passed months ago. The letter tells him to leave immediately and that they should meet at Rivendell in 2 months, which was when Frodo left. I hope Gandalf has not left Rivendell yet. That night the village is checked through by Black Riders but do not find Sam, Pippin, Merry, Frodo, Or Strider because they blocked the windows and doors with furniture. 

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 9

The Prancing Pony at Bree
     In chapter 9, the hobbits go to Bree and stay at an inn, where they meet a Ranger known as Strider. Frodo, Pippin, and Sam are telling news of the Shire  when Pippin starts to tell of the ring and Frodo and Strider know that Pippin must not tell of the ring. So Frodo starts to sing and creates a distraction, but when he jumps the ring goes on his finger and he disappears. I think this is very bad because the Bree folk think it is some kind of magic. Strider knows of Frodo's business and would like to speak with him privately before he goes to bed because he has lots of information to share. I think that Strider is good even though he looks like a Black Rider. 

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 8

The Barrow-Downs
      In chapter 8, the four hobbits continue on and it starts to get very foggy. They get lost and end up separated. The last thing that Frodo remembers is his horse rearing up, him being unseated, and knocked out. I think that the people in the Barrow-Downs are not so friendly and they did this to Frodo, Merry, Pippin, and Sam. This is quite odd because all hands are attached to an arm which is connected to a body Frodo wakes and sees a bodiless hand creeping toward his chained companions. so he uses a nearby sword to chop it up into pieces. He sings the hymn that would bring Tom Bombadil to him. Tom appears and helps the hobbits out of their plight.I would love to be able to sing a song and have help appear instantly. All around them are jewels and gold and swords. Tom retrieves their ponies and sends them along. He is defiantly an ally that Frodo has. 

The Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 6 and 7

The Old Forest
    In chapter 6 and 7, the four hobbits leave early making for the old forest, where it is said that the trees are kind of alive. They travel long and without a path. I think this would be extremely hard to keep going in a straight line and the hobbits did to, as they kept straying to the east. When they finally do find a path, it leads out to the road but the hobbits don't get that far because they become extremely tired at an old willow. I don't think that is good to fall asleep in the old forest, especially when it is sudden sleepiness. Frodo falls asleep on a root overhanging a stream and is pushed in, Pippin and Merry are inclosed in the tree's deep roots and Sam wakes up as all of this is happening. First he gets Frodo out of the water, then he and Frodo try to light the tree on fire, but along comes Tom Bombadil singing his head off. he sticks his head in the remaining hole and sings to the tree. Pippin and Merry escape and then Tom Bombadil invites them to his house. I am surprised that a stranger would help out , but I don't know if he is good or evil yet. Leading them to his house Bombadil gets far ahead and the hobbits keep following the trail. At his home they stay many nights and days talking with Bombadil and his wife, Goldberry. These two people I think could be certainly considered as allies in the hero's journey. I predict that they will continue on in their journey and meet more challenges.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lord of the Ring Chapter 5

Frodo's house in Bucklebury 
    In chapter 5, they take a long trip across the river and through the streets of Bucklebury the four hobbits finally make it to Frodo's house, Crickhollow. At home, baths have been prepared for the weary travelers. I love the idea of coming home (or to a new home) and having a warm bath ready. Then a big supper is prepared for the four hobbits. I wonder when Frodo will break the news to his friends that he and Sam must be leaving at first light tomorrow. While they are talking over dinner a hint is dropped that Pippin and Merry already know about Frodo's journey. At this Frodo does not agree and will not allow them to come with him and Sam. I think that his friends will go even if he sneaks off during the night. After a long while, Frodo is persuaded to let them come along. This is good because now not only Frodo and Sam will face danger alone. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 4

Kind farmer Maggot
     In chapter 4,  Frodo decides that the fastest way to get to Crickhollow is to take a shortcut to the road through the woods. I think that they will get lost very easily. After a big disagreement, the other two agree to follow him through the woods. It is not as easy as it looks and when the hobbits finally reach the road they are exhausted. They know they must continue if they are to make it to Frodo's new house in time.  On the road is Old farmer Maggot's property, who owns guard dogs that will eat you if you trespass. But Frodo used to live near the farmer's house and he would always try to steal his mushrooms wants to say hello again. They experience a near death but are then welcomed in to the house for a quick dinner and then Farmer Maggot offers them a ride to the Brandywine river. I think the farmer was a little wary of Frodo at first. They think they run into a Black Rider, but then it is really Merry. Farmer Maggot presents a basket to Frodo before he leaves and it is filled with mushrooms, since Frodo's passion for mushrooms. The farmer then leaves them standing with Merry at the Brandywine river. I think that the Maggot's aren't so vicious after all and are really kind people, that are allies to Frodo This story is starting to take the place of a hero's journey since the hero (Frodo) is being called into action (the ring). I want to know how they didn't run into any other people along the way to Frodo's new house other than the elves and the Black Riders. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lord of the Ring Chapter 3

A Black Rider also known as a ring wraith 
    In chapter 3, Frodo finally decides to leave on his journey in the autumn after his and Bilbo's birthday party. This is good because so far he has just procrastinated, so some dark and evil thing is already after him and the ring. In the Shire there is news of many different creatures that have not stirred for a long time wandering around the outskirts of the Shire. I think this should be called the great stirring because creatures are stirring. Frodo sells Bag End to the Sackville- Bagginses and bought a house in Crickhollow at Bucklebury and pretends that he will settle down there except to Sam who will be accompanying him. I think that this is mischievous, just like Bilbo. When he finally sets off, Pippin comes with him and Sam to Crickhollow. When three Black Riders come across their path at different times,and sniff the air looking for Frodo I know that trouble has already risen with the knowledge of Frodo's ring. I predict that these Black Riders are going to cause trouble later on in the book. They are going through open roads when another Black Rider comes from behind them. They hide in the bushes next to the road and then elves come up the road singing, scaring the Black Rider away. This is good because I think the Black Rider was just about to discover the hobbit's hiding place. When they come out to greet and thank the elves, the elves immediately accepted them into their group because of Frodo's ability to speak their language. The elves lead them to an open place in the woods to rest for the night. The elves provide them with a good dinner and then Frodo and Gildor, the elves leader, talk for a long time. I think Frodo will learn a lot but will not be sure what to do with the knowledge.Gildor knows where and why Frodo is going, and in the end he tells him to beware of the danger that lies ahead of him. In the morning the elves are gone but the knowledge Frodo collected is not. I want to know who are the Black Riders and why do they need Frodo so badly?   

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fellowship of the Ring End of Chapter 2

  In the end  of  chapter 2 Gandalf tells Frodo  about his conversation with Gollum. Gollum's story is long but in summary it's this ; Sméagol/Gollum is a creature similar to hobbits and it all started on his birthday. He and his brother, Déagol, were out fishing when Déagol decided to swim. At the bottom of the pond something gold caught his eye.When he came up with it clutched in his hand, he found that it was a golden ring. When Gollum saw the ring he immediately wanted it, since it was his birthday. When Déagol wouldn't give the ring to him, he strangled him and took the ring from his lifeless hand. I can't believe that he did that to his own brother. Gollum put the ring on and became invisible. Then, since he was shunned by all of his family, he left the village, climbed a solitary mountain, dug a cave and lived in it. I can't imagine living like this. The ring started to get a grip on him until he was completely mad. Since the ring will not let the beholder age, Gollum lasted for a long time. Many years later, Gandalf found Gollum's hideout and talked to him. Out of the conversation, Gandalf learns just this; Gollum thinks that Bilbo stole the ring and hates him for it, when really the ring abandoned him because he was of no use anymore. That is how Bilbo acquired the ring and passed it down to Frodo. Then Gandalf realizes the power of the ring and tells Frodo to hand him the ring and Frodo can't do it because the ring has already started to take hold of him. While they are discussing this new theory, Gandalf finds Sam, the gardener, listening in on their conversation. To punish Sam for this Gandalf tells him that he must accompany Frodo on his treacherous journey. I wonder if Sam is loyal enough to go on the journey, but also what he thinks about the situation.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fellowship of the Ring Beginning of Chapter 2

Frodo in his hometown, Hobbiton
          In the beginning of chapter 2, Frodo grows into his fifties without a word from Gandalf. In Hobbiton,there are very many rumors spreading about creatures stirring that haven't been around for a long time. I predict that creatures that are stirring are coming out of hibernation because of the ring. Then after 9 years, Gandalf shows up again. This time he wants to tell Frodo his theory about the ring. He tells Frodo about dark power rising in the land of Mordor. Then asks Frodo if he can see the ring. When Frodo gives Gandalf the ring, he feels a heaviness inside himself. I think that the ring is starting to take hold of him and Frodo does not have strong will power. When Gandalf tosses the ring into the fire, Frodo is astonished. but then after five minutes, he takes the ring out again and touches it. "It is quite cool.", he said and gave it to Frodo, who noticed it now had strange markings on it. This is odd because before the ring didn't have a single scratch on it. Gandalf reads it out loud. it is a poem about that this ring is the most powerful of the twenty. That it shall rule them all and bring them all in to darkness. This is not good because if Frodo has the most powerful ring, then who knows what he will do with it. He could possibly end the world with it. Then Gandalf tells Frodo of Sauron the great dark lord. He thinks that Sauron is plotting to bring them all into darkness. Also he thinks that plan is ripening and will start to blossom soon. I don't think this is good because you don't want to be a slave for Sauron the great forever.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fellowship of the Ring End of Chapter 1

            In the end of chapter 1,  the discussion of Bilbo's disappearance did not die down at all. Hobbits believe that Bilbo finally went mad because he always had been a little crazy. I don't think that that is the cause, but rather that Bilbo is an adventurous hobbit and likes to travel. Word gets out that Frodo is giving away free things from his house. Then I think Frodo is overwhelmed with all the people in his house. That is when some of Frodo's relatives demand to see him furious about their gift of spoons. Once Frodo deals with them, he finds out that one of them had taken some valuable objects and makes her give them back. Frodo is now wondering what to do and waiting for Gandalf to come and visit him. I think he does not know what to do and thinks he should leave home. After Frodo gives everyone their presents and claim's back his stolen property from uninvited hobbits, Gandalf shows up again. This time with the advice not to ever put on the ring. Then Gandalf quickly leaves again. This is strange behavior and I think Gandalf doesn't want to hurt Frodo with his presence. I predict that Frodo will go after Bilbo because he misses him so much.
Gandalf the Grey

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fellowship of the Rings Beginning of Chapter 1

Hobbiton in the Shire in front of Frodo's house.

     After reading chapter one, my question was what will Frodo do now that he is alone without Bilbo or Gandalf around? In chapter one, Bilbo celebrates his 111th birthday and Frodo celebrates his 33rd birthday. It is a very expected party in Hobbiton because Frodo will be coming of age and 111 is a very special number to hobbits. At dinner, Bilbo gives a speech to all the hobbits that have come, upsetting a few of them. He tells them how grateful he is for them to be there, but how he needs to see the world one last time before he passes on to the next life. I think he is very adventurous because of this last statement and that it is good to be outside. Behind his back he slips on a golden ring and he disappears with a flash of light. Frodo knew about this plan of course, and after saying goodbye to all of the guests he goes home. A few minutes before he arrives, Bilbo is telling Gandalf about what he is leaving for Frodo, the whole house at bag end, his will, A few other documents, and the golden ring. I think this is surprising because Bilbo really is attached to the ring as in the next sentence. Just as he is about to leave, Gandalf reminds Bilbo to put the ring back in the manilla envelope. Then Bilbo is suddenly very protective of the ring and calls it precious. I think this is very odd because you shouldn't be that protective of a ring.  I think Frodo is bewildered that Bilbo actually left then is sad because he didn't get to say good bye to Bilbo. Finally, Gandalf tells Frodo that he must leave and will most likely not see him for a long a while. So overall in this chapter, Bilbo and Frodo celebrate their 33rd and 111th birthdays and then Bilbo uses a ring to disappear to see the world one more time. He gives the ring unwillingly to Frodo along with his entire house. Finally Bilbo heads off into the world leaving Frodo completely alone